Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why is it so hard to make a Decision?

Pondering about life once again

Why, oh why, do I have trouble making decisions sometimes? Minor, major decisions ...

One of the elements of being successful (whatever 'successful' means to you), involves the ability to make decisions, stick to them .... and to act upon them...

Yet I often procrastinate.

Do you?
Do decisions cause problems in your life?
Do you know why?

Once again, 'self-awareness' is important to help us overcome many of the challenges in our lives, including the simple, well... not so simple, process of making a decision, whether it be a minor or major decision ...

I am sure there are numerous reasons for decision-making problems, and I'm going to write about them ... this post is just a 'teaser' of sorts(!) - lol.....
But I have figured out one important thing -

Why can Decision-Making be so Hard?

Because sometimes - making that decision - means closing off other options.
Its a 'finality' of sorts ...
It may mean that other exciting goals have to be put to the side.

Thus, with a decision - a way forwards is opened.....
At the same time, another way is closed.

Life is a journey - step by step - each decision we make can be a small or large step within that journey. One decision can be a turning point in our lives .... Thus, what if we make the wrong decision!?

Obviously, this can lead to fear .... and we freeze. A decision is not made, or procrastination rears its ugly head...

Yes - I think that is one of the reasons why decision-making can be difficult - fear.

Fear of closing a door.
Fear that we may not be making the right decision.
Fear that we may not be able to change that decision if its the wrong one.
Our frequent companion in life - fear.

But one of the most important ways of overcoming and facing our fears, is understanding them - what those fears are, how important they 'really' are, ... and to be aware of ourselves, and our thinking processes.

Perhaps, in understanding this, and knowing why we sometimes have issues with making decisions ... we can overcome this fear .... next time we need to make a major decision.

Fear can be overcome - 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' as they say.
Who knows what's around the corner

Change is a guaranteed part of life - so, if its not right - if a decision doesn't feel right - we can try to change it.

Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, understand your fears and go forth ....! Have Courage ....

Take courage, and make those decisions... :-)

And on a more positive note - if we can carry through on a decision made, act, and accomplish it, then perhaps, we can find the time to follow through on the other options, which were closed in that first decision process.

And a decision doesn't necessarily have to be final - another key element of success is 'flexibility'
Its just a matter of finding some sort of balance.

Until next time ....

Take care and be kind with yourselves :-)

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