Wednesday, September 22, 2010


We all have secrets (don't try to deny it) Some keep secrets about what they ate that day, sometimes it is a crush, at times you may keep secrets about a way you are feeling. Regardless of the secret it is typically kept a secret for one main reason and that is...fear of judgement. We all have passed judgement on someone else and we have all had judgements made on us. (maybe the title should have been judgements instead) We don't get to decide what other people think or feel about what we wear, how we talk, or what our religion is, they get to decide all on their own. Why should we get upset over something that someone else feels? If they have problems with something then whose problem is it really? Would you spend time with someone if you knew exactly what they were thinking about you all the time? Would you really want to know all the bad remarks people make about your wardrobe? Secrets are not always a bad thing they just get a bad rap. Secrets can save hearts, save someone from an eating disorder, keep a friendship tighter, or just save you from the judgement that you did not need to know existed. Lesson is next time you find out about someones secret think about why they were trying to keep a secret or most importantly do not pass judgement on them for that secret.